1.How to make a simple Hello World program with Nuts

A Nuts oriented software is any software influenced by the Nuts programming language. A Nuts file is a single file in a Nuts oriented software. A Nuts oriented software may be made with many Nuts files for the execution to be quick and to improve accuracy. To make a Nuts oriented software; you need a software called ‘Nuts Writer’. While using this software you realise that it supports 5 lines each file. However, don’t worry; in the Nuts example below you’ll find this won’t affect your software anymore. The example begins below (let’s make a software called ‘exapp’ that says ‘Hello’ to a person called ‘John’);

1. Exapp 

Set dst=exapp1


2. Exapp1 

Set dst=exapp2 

Set emt=Hello John! 


3. Exapp2

Set dst=exit


If you haven’t downloaded the Nuts IDE visit http://gjshop.itch.io to download one.


The above example is a simple software. In Nuts, a single software may contain many files; such files are to be called ‘Nuts files’. The set command creates or change a variable. Except the set command, other Nuts commands open another Nuts file as after execution. The ‘dst’ value is where the execution goes next after execution of the entire Nuts file. As the first version of Nuts Writer supports five lines each Nuts file you will have to skip some lines for your Nuts file to be saved. Now let us begin,

 Open Nuts Writer.

 Wait for 5 seconds.

 You are asked the filename, write ‘exapp’ and press enter.

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE1’ write ‘set dst=exapp1’ and press enter.

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE2’ write ‘nuts’ and press enter.

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE3’ leave it empty and press enter.

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE4’ leave it empty and press enter.

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE5’ leave it empty and press enter.

 Now write ‘1’ and press enter to start writing in a file called ‘exapp1’

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE1’ write ‘set dst=exapp2’ and press enter.

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE2’ write ‘set emt=Hello John!’ and press enter.

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE3’ write ‘emt’ and press enter.

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE4’ leave it empty and press enter.

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE5’ leave it empty and press enter.

 Now write ‘1’ and press enter to start writing in a file called ‘exapp2’

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE1’ write ‘set dst=exit’ and press enter.

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE2’ write ‘brk’ and press enter.

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE3’ leave it empty and press enter.

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE4’ leave it empty and press enter.

 You are prompted to write ‘LINE5’ leave it empty and press enter.

 Now write ‘3’ and press enter to exit.


 Open a software called Nuts Opener 1.

 Write in ‘exapp’.

 Press enter to run your ‘exapp’.

3. Turning it into executable

In this section, you’ll learn how you can turn a Nuts oriented software into a standalone

executable. This will make it better and at the same time, your program will be safe. So,

let’s begin:


 A Nuts Kits file for corresponding to the version of Nuts you make your program


 The Nuts Exporter software.

 The Nutsexerun software.

 The XpackerX software.

 The Xpacker’s Xmlifier software.

3.1. Getting the Nuts files

Now you need to put the Nuts files of a software program you want to turn into

executable in a separate folder. Since the Nuts Writer software saves all Nuts file in the

same locations, you’ll need a software called Nuts Exporter to get the Nuts files of a

single Nuts oriented software quickly.

3.2. Getting and extracting Nutsexerun Installer

If you haven’t downloaded ‘Nutsexerun Installer’, visit https://gjshop.itch.io/nutsexerun-1-installer.

To download Nutsexerun Installer, you’ll have to pay. Once you’ll have

downloaded it, extracting it is very easy; just run it and follow its interface.

3.3. Using Xpacker’s Xmlifier 1

For the last step, we will use a software program called XpackerX to our Nuts oriented

software programs into standalone executable. While doing this, this software requires

an Xml file that represents what we want to do. To get this Xml file the easiest way, we

will have to use a software program call Xpacker’s Xmlifier. This software will help you

create the Xml file with no any Xml programming background. To get this software

program; you’ll have to download it from http://gjshop.itch.io/xpackers-xmlifier-100.

Now, the bellow are steps of how to use Xpacker’s Xmlifier 1.

1. Run Xpacker’s Xmlifier 1

2. Wait for it to load

3. Write in the filename (this is the for the Xml file that will be created).

4. Write in the source folder (this is the other location where you have put your Nuts

file and Nutsexerun)

5. Write in the executable name (this is the name that will be given to that executable

that XpackerX will create for).

6. Write in the executable description (this should be a short description for your

software. It won’t affect the execution.

7. Write in the executable’s icon path (here, you’ll have to write a full path to an ico

image file you would like to use as the icon for your executable.

8. You are asked to write in the filename of a file you want that it will be the starting

point for your executable. Make sure you write ‘’Nutsexerun.exe’, this is when your

program will run.

Now, you are done with creating the Xml file and you can find it on desktop.

3.4. Using XpackerX

Finally, you have to use XpackerX to get an executable version of your program. First,

you’ll have to download XpackerX from the internet and install it into your computer.

Having installed XpackerX, the bellow are the steps you have to follow to get your


1. Run XpackerX

2. Click file

3. Choose open

4. Browse and pick the other Xml file you created with Xpacker’s Xmlifier to open it

with XpackerX.

5. Click Tools

6. Choose Make exe

Now, you are done.